Growing a School Community for Identity, Agency, and Healing

Jessica shared insights on developing the interpersonal skills needed to maintain an organization’s vision towards DEIJ goals, explored a framework for calling others to be the best version of themselves, and looked at sharpening our equity lens to maintain the personal and moral authority to lead and support DEIJ goals in our school community.
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Home » ISKL Blog » Growing a School Community for Identity, Agency, and Healing
In our latest edition of VOX ISKL, our DEIJ Lead, Joel Jr. Llaban, was joined by international educator Jessica Wei Hung from UWCSEA for a presentation and discussion about Growing a School Community for Identity, Agency, and Healing. Jessica shared insights on developing the interpersonal skills needed to maintain an organization’s vision towards DEIJ goals, explored a framework for calling others to be the best version of themselves, and looked at sharpening our equity lens to maintain the personal and moral authority to lead and support DEIJ goals in our school community. The session included a panel discussion with ISKL educators, Catherine Bae and Lisa Jensen-Hengstler who were joined by ISKL High School students Mizuki S. and Khai H. It was great to have both students and educators share their advice for nurturing evolving student identities. The video of the session is available on ISKL’s Youtube and Spotify channels.
VOX ISKL is a thought leadership initiative created to share learning and ignite conversations about important topics such as diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) within ISKL and the wider community.

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