Middle School Student Experience

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Middle School Student Experience

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A Day in the Life of ISKL Middle School Students

School Day

School starts at 8:00 am with Homegroup for 20 minutes daily. Each Middle School student will have eight classes over two days and the school day ends at 2:50 pm. ISKL Middle School operates on an eight-day rotating schedule. This schedule provides 70 – 75 minute class times to enable students to delve deeply into lessons, as well as a What I Need (WIN) time for 30 minutes to allow work on specific skills and time to meet with teachers.

Identity Card

ISKL students are issued an ID card and students must carry this card whenever on campus. ID cards are required for campus access, cashless pay system, checking out books from the library, and printer usage.


Each Middle School student is assigned a locker and a combination lock. Students are reminded to keep their valuables inside their lockers and are encouraged not to bring valuable items unrelated to school activities.

Parent Communication

A great partnership between home and school is essential for success at ISKL. In order to promote effective communication, the Middle School employs various methods of communication using technology and parent conferences.


Each day begins with a multi-grade homegroup where one teacher meets with 8 – 10 students which builds relationships and makes long-lasting connections. The friendships formed here, combined with lessons and activities, help students manage the social and emotional changes of adolescence.

Student Council (StuCo)

Students at ISKL are empowered to develop leadership skills in a variety of ways including leading and participating in clubs, service initiatives as well as community activities. In Middle School, students have the opportunity to put their leadership skills into action by becoming members of the Student Council (StuCo) where they learn to collaborate, share ideas, and take part in meaningful discussions. Some of the responsibilities that the StuCo oversees include planning Middle School events, raising money for charities, and most importantly, creating an inclusive forum that encourages their peers to contribute to the wider ISKL community.

Malaysia Week

A long-standing tradition and true highlight of the school-year is Malaysia Week,  experiential learning at its best. For one week every April, students engage in outdoor interdisciplinary education opportunities in the rainforests and coral reefs of Malaysia, making memories that will last a lifetime.

Students learn to work together as a community and deal positively with new situations, recognizing self-perceived limitations and challenging themselves to go beyond their comfort zones.

Malaysia Week Goals: 

  • Learn a new skill or gain knowledge in an area not ordinarily found in the school curriculum
  • Increase knowledge, understanding, enjoyment and appreciation of Malaysia
  • Learn to cooperate in a group situation with peers as well as adults
  • Reinforce skills and content from the existing curriculum
  • Gain an increased sense of independence and responsibility
  • Experience the positive aspects of living in a community

Watch Malaysia Week in action

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Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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