Embracing Artistry and Innovation

IASAS Culcon has always been a platform for cultural exchange and artistic excellence and an opportunity for ISKL students to connect, gain new skills, and foster camaraderie with other students.
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The IASAS Dance, Drama, and Tech Culcon Delegates Showcase their Talents at a Special Preview

The International Association of Southeast Asian Schools (IASAS) Cultural Convention (Culcon) has always been a platform for cultural exchange and artistic excellence. Established in 1983, Culcon is an opportunity for ISKL students to connect, gain new skills, and foster camaraderie with other students from five other IASAS schools. Between March 6 and 10, 2024, 20 delegates from ISKL’s Dance, Drama, and Tech teams will travel to the International School of Manila (ISM) to showcase their impressive talents and attend workshops.

Leading up to Culcon, the ISKL community had a chance to watch a preview of their performances on February 26 and 27 at the Robert B. Gaw Theatre.

Here is a summary of their presentations, which will be showcased at IASAS Culcon.

Drama Showcase: The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

Audiences were treated to a 40-minute condensed version of one of playwright Oscar Wilde’s most lauded works in English literature, The Importance of Being Earnest. The play is a pivotal work in English literature, renowned for its witty satire, sparkling dialogue, and sarcastic social commentary.

Performing Arts Director and director of the play, Tina Casey, shared, “This year, our actors wanted to choose a play for themselves; a play they loved, a play that would challenge their theatre skills, and a play that would be fun.” Many of the ensemble cast had been performing together over the past four years, with Casey saying, ” It’s all been so much fun doing this show, and it’s precisely what our Seniors and leavers wanted in this IASAS Drama production – none of us want it to end!”

Kudos to the actors for their outstanding acting skills, flawless English accents, impeccable comedic timing, and ability to captivate the audience.


Dance Performance: “To The Brink”

“We are but fragile vessels sailing through the unpredictable seas of life, vulnerable to the storms that teach us we are not invincible.”

The dance performance delivered by our group of eight delegates was an emotional whirlwind, with each performer pouring their passion into every step, leap, and turn. Every dancer narrated a compelling story that came to life through their powerful and nuanced performances. It was evident that each dancer had invested a lot of energy, emotion, and thought into their narratives.

The student-led dance performance was, as mentioned in the dance group’s mission synopsis, “fueled by a sense of invincibility,” where limits were pushed and the “intoxicating sense of success” was discovered. It was impressive to see how well each dance move was coordinated and created, resulting from the students’ discipline and hard work in putting on such a compelling and fantastic performance.


Tech Team Showcase

Both the drama and performances were a marvelous success thanks to the hard work and dedication of the tech team, whose impressive behind-the-scenes magic makes such drama and dance productions possible. From innovative lighting designs to intricate soundscapes and stage management, the tech students displayed a level of professionalism and creativity that often goes unsung but is vital to the success of any performance.

We extend our best wishes to all the IASAS Dance, Drama, and Tech Culcon delegates on their trip to Manila. May this experience enrich your lives, broaden your horizons, and deepen your passion for the arts. We are incredibly proud of your achievements and are confident that you will represent our school with much grace, professionalism, and the spirit of true artistry.



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