It has been an absolute joy to see our Elementary students in the musical Artistocats Kids, and we are looking forward to their final performance this evening. It takes a huge amount of practice as well as courage and self-confidence to perform with such poise and polish in front of peers and parents. We are enormously proud of what the cast and crew have accomplished; these skills and dispositions will last a lifetime. Congratulations to all those involved!
Next Monday (January 29) sees the start of Inclusive Schools Week, which includes themed days, activities, and learning opportunities for our entire community. At ISKL, we deeply believe it is our moral responsibility to cultivate a community that supports, nurtures, and values the unique identity of each student. This belief is fundamental to our school’s Vision and Mission and the transformative impact on our students, each other, and the world around us. We still have much to learn and are conscious that inclusion is not a destination; it is an ongoing journey. We are looking forward to the opportunity the annual global Inclusive School Week offers to focus on reflection, learning, discovery, and growth.
As with all things at ISKL, our inclusion journey is one of partnership between our school and parents. You are likely to have frequently heard us refer to the importance of this partnership, which, research tells us, helps students learn better and become more engaged and motivated. Providing opportunities for our parents to be actively involved in their child’s learning is a crucial component of our culture and practices.
One of the many ways we do this is through our Head of School & Parents In Partnership series, which focuses on key topics related to student learning and development and gives parents the opportunity to engage and ask questions.
Earlier this week, all parents received an email invite to our next HoS & Parents In Partnership Session. In addition to sharing the results of our 2023 Community Survey, we will be focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on learning. Our Director of Technology, Charlotte Diller, and Director of Learning, Azra Pathan, will join me in sharing an overview of AI, its impact on education, the possibilities it offers to enhance learning, the challenges it poses, and how we are using these emerging tools at ISKL. We will also be holding division-specific parent sessions and look forward to your partnership in this exciting journey as we learn together about the impact of Generative AI.
As a school community, we are committed to continuous improvement and ongoing reflection and refinement of our practices and programs. This includes working closely with external experts, and next week, the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) will be conducting an on-campus evaluation visit. As the longest-running World IB School in Malaysia with a 32-year pass rate of 97%, we are extremely proud of our IB program, IB teachers (of which more than 60% also have a role with the IBO as examiners or advisors), and of course our students. We are looking forward to the visit, sharing our practices, and continuing to strengthen our program.
We wish everyone an enjoyable day off for the mandatory Federal Territory Day public holiday.
In partnership,
Rami Madani
Head of School