ISKL wins Excellence in Education Award at UK Award Ceremony
ISKL is delighted to share that our school was announced as the winner of the Excellence in Education award at the Think Global People and Relocate award ceremony held in the UK in June.
ISKL is delighted to share that our school was announced as the winner of the Excellence in Education award at the Think Global People and Relocate award ceremony held in the UK in June.
VOX ISKL was shortlisted for the Diversity Equity Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) award at the 2023 International School Awards. ISKL’s Head of School Rami Madani shares his insights on ISKL’s DEIJ journey and how VOX ISKL workshops are designed to spark conversations and promote best practices and learning.
Two Malaysian students were awarded four-year scholarships to study at ISKL at a special award ceremony held on February 20, 2023
On January 26 and 27, 29 Elementary School (ES) students from Grades 4 and 5 participated in the musical production “Seussical Kids!” based on the works of children’s author and cartoonist Dr. Seuss.
At a special VOX ISKL panel discussion to celebrate Inclusive Schools Week, our audience heard from panelists about what inclusion looks like and feels like for them, the language and cultural sensitivities we need to be aware of, and how to advocate for a child with learning differences.
With three sold-out performances held on the 16 and 17 November last week, the ISKL community witnessed the Middle School’s rendition of ‘Annie Jr.,’ a classic tale of courage and resilience.
This year’s GAP trip took place from October 15 – 20 and involved 440 students and 50 faculty/staff on 25 itineraries who traveled to various parts of Malaysia and countries in South East Asia.
Head of School Rami Madani shares what ISKL’s Values mean for our students and school and what the research tells us about why these particular Values help our students develop lifelong skills.
The fifth in our series of Panthers of ISKL focuses on service learning. It incorporates personal documentaries of how the charitable endeavors of individuals benefit the ISKL community and beyond.
– The Caring Fundraiser “This project is more than a charitable endeavor. It is a personal initiative to raise funds and support an individual through
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Latest update: October 26