Tag: Flexible Curriculum


Grade 1 Students Showcase Personal Narrative Writing in New Gallery

At ISKL’s Melawati Campus, for the very first time, our entire Melawati staff was recently invited to join in all the buzz and learning that is happening in Grade 1. Students felt happy to be recognized and proud of the strong sense of community surrounding their gallery. Students and teachers alike are grateful for all these people, our cleaners, our maintenance team, and other behind the scenes community members that came to offer their support and good cheer to our inspiring young authors.

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ISKL Announces Partnership with Dutch School, De Bontekoe

ISKL Announces Partnership with Dutch School, De Bontekoe

Beginning in September 2017 ISKL will be offering Dutch language and cultural classes on its campuses. This new program at ISKL will begin with two after school class offerings, one for the first year of secondary (VO1) and one as a combination of the second and third year of secondary (VO 2-3). The classes will be taught by Annemieke van Vliet and Hans Hardeman, De Bontekoe Director in Kuala Lumpur.

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ISKL Senior Award Ceremony

Senior Award Ceremony

The 2017 ISKL Senior Award Ceremony recognized students who have demonstrated excellence, dedication, and passion for academics, sports, visual and performing arts, or community service. A true testament to all that ISKL believes in. Well done to all the awards recipients.

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Be All You Are ISKL motto
Current Student

Be All You Are and Chase Your Dreams!

ISKL is proud of its graduating class of 2017. Our seniors demonstrated commitment, resilience and passion. They truly embodied ISKL’s motto “Be All You Are” as shown by the wide range of topics they will be reading at university, from economics to medicine, law to media communication, we have no doubt that they will make a positive contribution to the world. Special mention to our two IB scholars, Chua Zi and Lim Jih-Ming, we are so proud of you.

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Novel knockout at Iskl

Novel Knockout

Novel Knockout is an annual event organised by The Kuala Lumpur Librarian Network (KLLN) which was proudly hosted by ISKL in 2017. Students across 11 schools read eight books and were quizzed on details – short answers on paper and multiple choice on the iPad – for a total of 160 questions per round!

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Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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