Panthers of ISKL #192: Maya E. (‘25) – The Outdoors Enthusiast

Home » Panthers of ISKL » Panthers of ISKL #192: Maya E. (‘25) - The Outdoors Enthusiast
Panthers of ISKL - Maya E.

“My most memorable moment at ISKL was my GAP trip to Nepal. Waking up early one morning to watch the sun rise from behind the Himalayan mountain range was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen and an experience that will stay with me forever.”

Meet Maya E. (’25), a Grade 11 student who joined our school community in August 2023 but has been a part of our school community before, when she attended ISKL from Grade 5 to Grade 7. Maya is an avid outdoors enthusiast and has actively participated in IASAS this year for football and touch rugby. Additionally, Maya enjoys exploring different cuisines and considers herself a foodie.

Here is Maya’s story:

Tell us more about yourself.

I’m 16 years old and originally from Egypt. I have lived in countries all over the world, and living in Malaysia is now my sixth move. I have two older sisters who live away while they attend university.

Which grade did you join ISKL? What were your first days like?

I joined ISKL this year as a Grade 11 student, but I also went here from Grade 5 to Grade 7 before moving to England for three years.

Since my situation was unique, my first day ended up being a mix of reuniting with people I had previously known and getting to know many new people and teachers. My first day was very special as it was so exciting to return to the same school but begin a different experience.

POISKL Maya E with her ISKL friends

Do you participate in any co-curricular activities at ISKL?

I was part of the football team during Season 1 and am now on the Touch Rugby team. Both of these teams were great experiences for me, as they allowed me to create relationships with students of different grades. My coaches for both sports demonstrated a high amount of passion for the sport, which they continuously showed to the team, and they were very committed to helping us improve at the sport while also developing strong team relationships.

Participating in these teams also allowed me to travel to other Southeast Asian countries, such as Singapore and Indonesia, where I met students from other international schools.

Maya active playing soccer and love animalsCan you tell us more about your other hobbies and interests?

My hobbies include anything active and outdoor. Apart from school sports teams, I love going to the gym independently because it lets me control my personal development completely. I love swimming and being in the sun, which is great with the weather here in Malaysia. I am also a major foodie – I love going out for meals with my friends and family and trying different cuisines, especially with Malaysia’s variety of food options.

Do you have any thoughts on your career pathway?

I am still deciding what I want to study in university or pursue. So many subjects interest me that it is difficult to narrow down my options. I have strongly considered pursuing mechanical engineering due to my passion for math and physics, but I still need to decide.

Do you have any plans for after you graduate ISKL – what would you like to do?

After graduating from ISKL, I plan to continue my studies at university, hopefully. I want to move back to the UK for university, as it is a place I have previously lived in, and I enjoyed my time there. On top of that, I must have easy access to my sisters and many friends who are in the UK.

POISKL Maya E-with familyWho or what inspires you or has influenced you?

My sisters are some of the biggest inspirations in my life – everything I do is influenced by what they have done. Throughout my life, I have consistently watched them through their successes in every aspect of their life, which has subconsciously developed a consistent goal to live up to the standards they have upheld. My sisters have always supported and encouraged me through everything I do, and I am incredibly grateful to have them in my life.

Describe your most memorable moment at ISKL.

My most memorable moment at ISKL was during my GAP trip to Nepal. One of our accommodation places was at a peak called the Australian Base Camp, which had a stunning view of the Himalayan mountain range. Waking up early that morning to watch the sun rise from behind the mountains was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen and an experience that will stay with me forever.

What does “Know yourself, care for all, and create a better world” mean to you?

This is a motto that should be applied to everyone’s lives. I specifically like how it recognizes the importance of caring for oneself while also caring for others. Knowing yourself, your interests, passions, and boundaries is crucial to becoming a better person. Being aware of these aspects allows you to understand your surroundings better and apply yourself in a context that helps you care for others and consequently build a better world.


Do you know of any student, teacher, parent, or staff who always have an anecdote to tell, love to share some insights into their passions and interest, or simply is a Panther through and through? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions here.

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