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“The welcoming atmosphere at ISKL has made adapting and finding my place within the school community easier. I am so grateful to have met a wonderful group of friends who have been so helpful in helping me navigate campus life here.”

Meet Dharnita C. (’27), a four-year Pathways Scholar student who joined the ISKL community in August 2023. Born and bred in Malaysia, she has a great passion for writing and the performing arts, particularly dancing.


Here is Dharnita’s story:

Do tell us more about yourself.

I was born and raised in Malaysia, and I’ve lived here my whole life. I am the youngest in my family, and similar to the plot twist of your favorite book — one can never quite know what to expect of me!

What encouraged you to join ISKL as a Pathways Scholar?

I was encouraged to enroll by a combination of factors aligning with my personal and academic aspirations.

Firstly, ISKL’s reputation as an internationally recognized and prestigious school was a major draw. The opportunity to join ISKL was driven by my desire for a high-quality education that focuses on academic achievement, personal growth, and global awareness.

I am excited about the prospect of being part of the ISKL community and contributing to its rich diversity of learning and experiences.

Darnitha with her friend

Darnitha with her friend

How has the process of transition to ISKL been for you?

The welcoming atmosphere has made adapting and finding my place within the school community easier. I am so grateful to have met a wonderful group of friends who have been so helpful in helping me navigate campus life here at ISKL. Hannah, Arya, Amaani, Rhea, Aishani, and a couple of Peer Helpers are just some of the reasons school kicked off to a great start.

Academically, the transition has been challenging, but in a very rewarding way. ISKL’s rigorous curriculum and diverse courses have pushed me to grow intellectually and personally.

Do you participate in any co-curricular activities at ISKL?

Three weeks into the school semester, I’ve actively participated in the Lux Anima club, the Children’s Future Education Center (CFEC) service learning club, and the MUN club.

I’m also incredibly excited to play a small part in this year’s High School Musical: Shrek The Musical – I cannot wait for the play to come out in a few short weeks!

What are your thoughts on your career pathway?

I don’t yet have my eyes set on a specific career path, but no matter which direction I decide to follow, I want to align with something I care about and harness my skills for a good cause.

Even if that remains unknown, I am certain that my time here at ISKL will guide me.

Darnitha with her sister


Darnitha with her sister

Who or what inspires and influences you?

My sister has always been the one I turn to for inspiration and advice. From an academic perspective, having my older sister as a role model has been incredibly motivating. I’ve witnessed her dedication to her studies, ability to overcome challenges, and passion for learning. This, in turn, has inspired me to strive for excellence in my academic pursuits. Our relationship has also helped me navigate the complexities of social interactions with great confidence.

What is your most memorable moment at ISKL so far?

My most memorable moment at ISKL so far would undoubtedly be when I auditioned for this year’s HS Musical. Walking into the RBG filled with nerves and excitement, I wasn’t sure what to expect. However, the theater community at ISKL immediately made me feel at ease. The friendships I have formed, the lessons I’ve learned about teamwork and dedication, and the thrill of performing on stage are moments I will cherish forever.

Can you tell us about your hobbies and interests?

Apart from idling away my hours, I occasionally motivate myself to engage in writing – a pursuit I find quite pleasurable. I write articles and sometimes short stories, allowing my thoughts to flow freely and immerse myself in the words.

Shifting gears, my love for the performing arts is an intrinsic part of my identity. I have been dancing for ten years now in many styles, particularly traditional dances. I also sing (in the shower) purely for the sake of entertainment!

What does the ISKL vision: know yourself, care for all, and create a better world mean to you?

Understanding yourself is like embarking on a significant life journey. It quietly starts within you, yet its influence extends to every part of your life. It’s the key that helps you comprehend the world, connect with others, and work towards a brighter future.

Do you know of any student, teacher, parent, or staff who always have an anecdote to tell, love to share some insights into their passions and interest, or simply is a Panther through and through? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions here.