SriKDU Collaboration on Sustainable Education

Recently, our Green Council played host to the Green Club from SriKDU. It was a very productive few hours with a variety of activities facilitated by our Green Council members and Sustainability Coordinator. Our visitors received an "eco highlight tour" of our Ampang campus and were duly impressed.
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SriKDU Collaboration on Sustainable Education

ISKL Sustainable Education

Ever since ISKL became Malaysia’s first green flag school we have been in a bit of limelight, so to speak in the world of sustainability and environmental education. Certainly it has thrust us into the view of many schools – both internationally and locally – who are paying close attention to what we do. It’s a great feeling that we can be proud of all we have accomplished to date. But there is little time to sit on one’s laurels. There’s work to be done. Collaborative action planning, to be exact.

Recently, our Green Council played host to the Green Club from SriKDU. It was a very productive few hours with a variety of activities facilitated by our Green Council members and Sustainability Coordinator. Our visitors received an “eco highlight tour” of our Ampang campus and were duly impressed. They also had time to work closely with our Green Council members addressing issues in our schools and brainstorming ideas on how to address them. Leverage points were identified and action plans were initiated.

It is such authentic and real collaboration that allow our students to truly become global citizens. There is power in such out-of-school collaboration across cultures, educational systems and perceptions. It’s just another glimpse of the exceptional education that we provide at ISKL and a true testament to all the students and adults – in all the schools – who are involved in building a bright future. ~ Laurence Myers, Sustainability & Service Learning Coordinator


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