ISKL Hosts “Moving On Ceremonies” For Grade 5 And Grade 8 Students!

It is a time-honored tradition at ISKL to celebrate our students' formal 'moving on' as they progress their learning journeys from Elementary to Middle School and Middle School to High School.
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Home » ISKL Blog » ISKL Hosts “Moving On Ceremonies” For Grade 5 And Grade 8 Students!

It is a time-honored tradition at ISKL to celebrate the formal ‘moving on’ of our students as they progress their learning journeys from Elementary to Middle School (MS) and Middle School to High School (HS), and although the celebrations were done virtually on June 3 and 4 this year, it did not dampen the spirits for everyone who took part, with families, faculty, and staff from their respective schools tuning in to watch the live ceremony broadcasted via Zoom.

Here are some of the unforgettable highlights of the ceremonies as follows:

Class of 2028 – From Elementary School Moving On To Middle School

  • Opening remarks by the Head of School (HOS), Rami Madani, who said, “You are making your next big step in your learning journey to MS. Not only are you reaching this important milestone, but you have done so at a very unusual time. We are proud of how you have adjusted to those changes.

HoS Opening Remarks

  • Heartwarming words by Elementary School (ES) Principal, Julie Olson who shared, “After tomorrow, you will no longer be in ES, and we will be sending you up to MS. Although it might seem scary, I want to say to you all, don’t worry, just be yourself. Be you. Each and everyone one of you – be you.”

ES Principal Remarks

  • ES Longevity recognitions were announced for three students who have been at ISKL for six years and another three students who have been at ISKL for seven years.

ES Longevity recognitions

  • The recognition of Grade 5 Room Parents and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Grade Level Coordinator’s for their participation in keeping the community informed, connected, and creating various events for the students.

Grade 5 Recognition

  • ES Counselor Lynn Kogelmann, ES Librarian Catherine Bae, and ES Technology Coordinator Steve Katz were also thanked and acknowledged for their neverending support to Grade 5.

  • After the ceremony, families were invited to their child’s class zoom celebrations, where each student shared their favorite memories and moments during the year together with a few words from their respective teachers. Each student also presented a project they’ve been working on showcasing their research for their chosen sustainable development goal. 

Highlights from the Class of 2025 Moving On Ceremony – Middle School to High School

  • The ceremony began with MS Principal Peter Casey and Assistant MS Principal Doug Woodward acting as hosts, who welcomed the 161 exceptional students who make up the Class of 2025 and their families. 

Moving on Ceremony

  • The Grade 7/8 choir sang a unique rendition of the Malaysian national anthem ‘Negaraku’ under the direction of MS Music teacher Kevin Christensen. 

  • A heartfelt speech by Rami Madani, who shared, “You are taking the next big step in your learning journey as you enter HS. Not only are you reaching this important milestone, but you have done so at an unusual time. You have demonstrated resilience, perseverance, and care for each other. You also worked hard to achieve your goals, whether academic or holistic, and we are proud of you.”

  • Peter Casey, in his speech, shares, “We want you to look for moments of gratitude, for all that you have today and throughout the break. Embrace them, verbalize them, and tell those you are with how much you appreciate them and all you have. This practice of gratitude will help you remain optimistic with much to look forward to.”

  • A heartwarming slideshow presentation displaying personal messages and photos of each Grade 8 student – their names read out by various members of the MS faculty.Grade 8 moving on ceremony
  • A classical musical performance by the Grade 8 Trio performing “Song of the Wellerman.”

Grade 8 - Classical Music

  • Student Zhao Yang K. was presented the Robert B Gaw Award for Grade 8.

Robert B GAw Citizenship Award

  • A thought provoking 6-word memoir slide show was presented by MS students, sharing their experiences through creative artwork. 

MS Creative Works

  • The recognition of students who joined ISKL from Prep Reception through to Grade. 
  • Welcome remarks by High School Principal Jeff Farrington where he formally accepts the students over to HS. He shares, “These three years at MS, you have learned self-directedness, agency, creativity, empathy, academic excellence, involvement in activities, service, athletics. And most of all, resilience, and somehow in this time of the pandemic – community.”

Welcome to HS

  • A final vocal performance and photo compilation of memorable moments for the Class of 2025. 

Moving On Ceremony

What a great year it has been, and although times have been especially challenging, we are so proud and excited to celebrate our students for reaching this fantastic milestone. 

We wish our students all the best and look forward to seeing them in the next academic year!

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