HoS News December 10, 2021

This week, three very different events have highlighted the strength of the partnerships we have the privilege of sharing with our community, authorities, and neighboring schools.
HoS Christmas Around the World
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Home » ISKL Blog » HoS News December 10, 2021

As always, it has been a busy week at ISKL especially as we head towards the end of the semester. This week, three very different events have highlighted the strength of the partnerships we have the privilege of sharing with our community, authorities, and neighboring schools.

Today I had the great joy of experiencing Christmas Around the World – an event organized each year by our talented and truly amazing PTA. Regardless of our beliefs, this unique celebration, like so many of our long-standing traditions at ISKL, creates a shared experience for our students. A huge thank you to our PTA members who modified the event to comply with SOPs and who have devoted so much time and energy to planning and creating the enchanting Christmas forest for our Elementary students to walk through. Seeing the faces of our students as they experienced the displays of traditional Christmas decorations from around the world was an absolute joy and we so appreciate the partnership we share with the PTA and their ongoing commitment to our community.

Alumni Black Box Conversations LawWe also celebrate the lifelong partnership that we have with our alumni. They contribute to our students and school in so many ways including sharing their experience and expertise with current students via our Alumni Black Box Conversations. In our third conversation published this week on ISKL’s YouTube channel here, our alumni talk about their academic journey and careers in law. It is invaluable for students to have the opportunity to learn from the experiences and perspectives of our alumni and a wonderful connection to share.

It is also the time of year when we celebrate the culmination of the learning journey at ISKL for our early graduates. This year, we have one early graduate, Angelinah P. All are welcome to join us for the early Graduation Ceremony next Thursday, December 16 via Livestream when we will be celebrating Angelinah’s achievements, wishing her well for the future, and welcoming her to our alumni community.

Earlier this week, we were joined by Encik Fauzi Bin Asirop, Director of the Private Education Department (PED), and representatives from the PED and KL State Education Department for a ceremony to present certificates to 24 teachers from 12 local public schools who have completed the 9-session Dual Language Program (DLP) at ISKL. The program, which is the result of a long-term partnership with the Ministry of Education, is designed to further enhance the effectiveness of teaching mathematics and science using English as a medium of instruction. Since the first DLP cohort in 2016, we have had the honor of working together with 81 teachers from 41 schools in KL and we are extremely grateful for this opportunity to contribute, learn, and work in partnership with our colleagues. It is an experience that enriches all our learning and we are looking forward to welcoming the 6th DLP cohort next year.

DUal Language Program at ISKL

In partnership




Rami Madani
Head of School

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