Five Reasons ISKL is a Great International School

If you are considering a good international school for your children, here are 5 reasons why ISKL is a great international school.
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With their international curriculums and focus on delivering an exceptional learning experience, international schools provide students with various skills and benefits to help them thrive in our globalized world.

At ISKL, we understand how important a decision it is to choose an international school. The school you choose will help build the foundation upon which your children’s aspirations will be realized and where they will develop the knowledge and skills to thrive in a 21st-century world.

To support your search in finding the right international school for your children, we’ve compiled five reasons ISKL is a great international school and how embracing ISKL’s vision can benefit your children.

1. A future-ready education

ISKL Future Ready Education SLROur world is everchanging, and being able to adapt to these changes is an essential 21st-century skill embraced by great international schools.

By providing our students with an enriching academic experience designed to support their learning and development, our students become self-directed learners that are better prepared for their future.

Strong academic results

ISKL STRONG ACADEMIC RESULTSStudents of ISKL have consistently displayed strong academic results regionally and internationally. At ISKL, we measure our student’s academic performance using a range of external and internal assessments, classroom data, and our annual Measure of Academic Performance (MAP) testing twice a year.

In addition to the testing methods above-mentioned, ISKL’s teachers emphasize qualitative data that they gather through observations, discussions, and in-class activities to establish the best ways to support, encourage and celebrate each student. 

Global opportunities

ISKL GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIESISKL provides students with the benefits of many global opportunities through memberships with many local, regional, and international school associations. Our artist-in-residence programs invite industry experts like authors, musicians, and sporting coaches from different parts of the world to talk about their journey and inspire our students.

ISKL’s students also have the opportunity for national and international travel through our service learning program, our High School Global Action Programs (GAP), sports tournaments, and more.

A flexible curriculum 

FLEXIBLE-CURICULUMThe flexibility of ISKL’s robust international curriculum provides students with many benefits as it is designed to nurture the best fit. Our pathway options enable student’s to choose an offering that best serves their abilities, interests, and aspirations.

We monitor our student’s progress regularly in class and use international standards-based assessments to gauge the development of 21st-century skills. Our unique learning pathways promote student agency and self-directed learning.

Internationally minded

ISKL international mindednessAt ISKL, we celebrate diversity across our school community, creating a culturally rich environment founded on mutual respect and understanding.

We believe that by including diverse cross-cultural experiences throughout our curriculum and co-curricular program, we promote global awareness, international mindedness and an enriching learning experience for our students.

International mindedness is one of the critical skills that not only supports our students in getting into universities of their choice, but will also benefit their holistic development and future career prospects.

2. Taught by experts in international education

EXPERTS-IN-INTERNATIONAL-EDUCATIONISKL’s faculty consists of pioneering educators committed to delivering an exceptional learning experience for our students. Our team of educators are seasoned experts in their field and have an average of nine years of teaching experience.

At ISKL, our educators have access to extensive training and professional development opportunities locally, regionally and internationally as well as online. ISKL values the ongoing professional growth of its faculty to enhance student learning further.

We consistently offer our faculty members professional development opportunities through events and workshops to help them align with ISKL’s vision for the future of learning, strengthen internal connections, and give them a fun and meaningful day of learning and celebration.

3. A school that puts students first

ISKL understands that every student is unique in how they learn and offers students various opportunities, experiences and pathways that could best nurture their overall development.

One of ISKL’s greatest forces is our governing body of Board Directors, consisting of volunteers that are parents of enrolled students, elected by all our enrolled student’s parents. This volunteer basis governing body exercises the executive powers of the Society of the International School of Kuala Lumpur and sets aside their biases, preferences and community affiliations to work together to make ISKL the best place it can be for all its students.

4. A dynamic community

ISKL DYNAMIC COMMUNITYEnrolling at ISKL means becoming a member of a large, friendly, dynamic, and inclusive community comprising over 1,500 students of families representing over 65 nationalities, and consists of faculty and staff from different parts of the world and global alums.

Our community expands beyond the walls of our school and into clubs and activities that initiate change regionally and locally. 

A culture of care and empathy

CULTURE-OF-CARE-AND-EMPATHYISKL exercises a culture of care and empathy to influence students to support and consider different perspectives, collaborate constructively, communicate effectively and live ethically.

ISKL’s environment and nurturing culture enable students to positively impact their perspectives, their environments and communities for the better by promoting personal and social responsibility.

In this environment, students feel empowered to take calculated risks, learn from successes and failures, discover sources of joy and understand what they are passionate about.


When ISKL describes itself as a fully inclusive school, we mean that our caring and inclusive culture provides programming that allows equal access and opportunity for students to succeed and find their passion.

ISKL’s programs are designed with the intention to provide equal access and opportunity for all our students so that not only can they discover their passions, but they also have every chance to succeed. 

5. State-of-the-art facilities 

STATE-OF-THE-ART-CAMPUSISKL’s campus stretches over 26 acres and is located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Students gain access to an advanced learning environment comprising state-of-the-art facilities for academics, arts and athletics.

With premium science laboratories, classrooms, art facilities and three libraries, ISKL offers students flexible spaces where modern teaching and learning concepts are utilized.

The ISKL campus is an urban oasis of contemporary design that supports all student’s academic, creative, and physical requirements in an environment that values overall wellbeing.


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