It has been one and a half years for my family to join the ISKL community since January of 2017, after leaving behind three and a half years of Jakarta life in Indonesia.
I still remember the joy when my children got accepted for admission at this renowned International School in Kuala Lumpur.
I am Jun Young, Yoon, a father of Stephanie Yoon, Grade 8 and Jayden Yoon, Grade 5
With an excellent educational environment and enthusiastic faculty assisting, my family is enjoying wonderful KL life so far and no doubt this will remain so, especially seeing my children truly enjoying every moment of their daily school life.
My wife, Sae Jin Han is also enjoying her challenging role as a GLC G8 Korean representative for 2017-2018 school year, even though she had insufficient time to adjust in a new environment with only half a year of KL life!
However, myself, as a hard-working Korean Father, I am always short of having time with my family and have been feeling guilty for not being able to join any activities in school as an ISKL community member. All I can do is join the regular counseling for my children and sports activities on the weekend from time to time.
I made a stunningly quick decision when my wife sent me a photo that she took in school, showing banners introducing the campaign for the Ampang Hilir Campus. The fact that in some way, I could participate to contribute something meaningful to my children’s school and community made me want to give.
However, to make it more meaningful, I had a discussion with my family about my thinking behind participating in this campaign and what is the meaning/benefit that we can expect from this.
Happily, it did not take long to get their unanimous agreement.
My wife, totally agreed to donate the funds for “name a class” for 2 classrooms, with full of pleasure and warm heart. My children, now they understand how their great educational environment is made of, and moreover, the value of the donation for not only for themselves but for their school community as well.
“ Small decision can make things changed”