Head of School
Dr. Richard Krajczar: 1989-1996
Barry Farnham: 1996-1999
Much of the 1990s was characterised by growth in student numbers and building projects, including a middle school extension, more classrooms, a dance studio, senior lounge and the largest project of all, a new campus at Melawati. Land had finally been purchased and work started in May 1991, with Melawati campus opening in August 1992.
Meanwhile, implementation of the International Baccalaureate program began, foreign language was added for the older students, band became an option in Grade 5 and technology continued to grow. It was time for a strategic plan. During the 1994-1995 school year the board and representative members of the community developed a Mission Statement and a set of Core Values to be used in guiding future planning at ISKL. Based on this the board authorized the development of the strategic plan.
At the end of this decade Malaysia encountered financial difficulties due to the economic downturn, not helped by a prolonged haze. The fortunes of the school mirrored the location, meaning the school was not in a good place by the end of 1999. One good thing to come out of the haze was the successful implementation of the on-line/on-site-program for students who either stayed at home of left the country.