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Every Minute Counts When We Run Against Cancer

Run Against Cancer

“Our Middle School community Our Middle School Strength Our Middle School races against cancer.”

ISKL is a spirited school, and while led by its community, our Panther spirit is at the forefront of building collaborative support. This was no clearer evident than during our 30-minute-a-month Campaign, which provided the perfect opportunity for Middle Schoolers to support Cancer Awareness Month in their organization of a Run Against Cancer event, which took place on October 16 at 8.00 am.

MS Run Against Cancer

Entrants included the Middle School organizers and participants, their parents, faculty, and staff members, who all raised awareness and funds for the fight against cancer by running or walking laps around the Zurich field track.

For a morning of fund-raising, they used their early morning motivation with a purpose, taking every step towards highlighting a personal connection to the effects of cancer. Many wore badges of honor, naming loved ones, in an encounter that showcased their support individually, partnered, or in teams of compassion. High spirits were contagious as the participants’ energy was equaled by an appreciative crowd of cheering spectators who did not go unnoticed. The overall atmosphere collectively celebrated the runners’ enthusiasm and was symbolic of their determination to outrun the effects of cancer.

MS Run Against Cancer

“This inspirational event showcased the power of collective effort, the strength of community, and the unique spirit of Middle School. It highlighted how coming together to exercise not only supports a shared cause but also fosters unity, energy, and hope.” ~Jen Collins, Middle School PE Teacher

The finish line turned into a literal “splash zone” as runners were greeted with jets of water, both cooling them off and serving as a refreshing celebration of their accomplishments.

Student cooling off

Panther passion at ISKL continually contributes to a better world where enterprising student-led initiatives reflect the diversity and unification of raising awareness for good causes. Cancer is a battle that no one should face alone, as it impacts not only the individual but also their families and communities.

By spreading knowledge, encouraging regular screening, and offering emotional and practical support, our community can build a global network of care and hope. Together, we can amplify the voices of those impacted and remind everyone that strength grows in numbers – through compassion and understanding, it can only make it easier.

Thank you, Middle School, for making every step possible, every moment count, and every voice matter. Only together can we be stronger in the fight against cancer, and the Run Against Cancer event was a reason to be proud this October. It was a reminder that steps – however big or small – can contribute to a giant leap in the fight against cancer.

If you participated in the Run Against Cancer or have raised funds and awareness for another community service activity, please share your story. We look forward to hearing from you at!

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